
4 Simple Things You Can Do Now To Have A Successful Website

Aug 19, 2020

There is no right or wrong when developing a website, but there are best practices that have been studied, applied and updated over the years by analyzing and understanding the internet user’s behavior and their response to different tests. Of course, these tests are constantly made in order to bring more traffic, more sales, more calls, more leads and so on.  

I will highlight 4 important points that have been used by the greatest websites from a long date. So, if you are thinking of building a brand-new website, or if you currently have one but weren’t paying attention to the following details, you should start considering them and acting like the big ones. Let's go! 

1. Give your visitors a good first impression 

Some users will be visiting your page from previous experiences with your brand, but some of them will be at your page for the very first time. According to MachMetrics, the ideal website load time is just 3 seconds and visitors would “judge” your website on the first 0.05 seconds to decide if they stay or leave. There are great tools in the market to help you with speed test: Google Page SpeedPing DomGTmetrix. Make sure you have a fast load page. 

2. Less is more 

You are probably the type of user that scrolls down and switch between apps and pages on your mobile very fast, just like if you were looking for something but you are not. If you find something that calls your attention, you’d spend maybe 5 seconds on it. Am I right? With that being said, you should not waste your web page (specially your home page) with lots of information and graphic elements. Besides making it heavier to load the content, you probably won’t get the attention of users (like you), because they “don’t have time” right now. Look at this good website example from the Digital Marketing expert, Neil Patel: https://npdigital.com/ 

3. Call to action! 

It doesn’t matter what type of business you have, if you don’t give your visitors the chance to get in touch with you, to buy your product, to watch your video, to download your eBook and so forth, they will leave your page. It seems like an obvious point, but you will find tons of websites that aren’t focusing on anything, so make sure you have your options available and accessible.  

4. Monitor everything 

Don’t forget to monitor as many details as possible on your website. Google Analytics and Google Search Console are mandatory tools. When you start getting a good traffic, you can understand your visitor’s behavior during their visit on your page. You can know where they come from, if they are visiting you for the first time and how many of them are coming to your website frequently. The reports you are able generate from this monitoring are many and this will definitely help you to make better next step decisions.

A good website is an integrated part of a digital marketing strategic plan. It is important to work together with as many online platforms as possible. That means we cannot forget about Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc. They are all amazing tools and create space for every type of business, playing a big part on the digital marketing success.  

Make sure you are prepared for a completely digital world and don’t forget you can count on us.  

Come along with us! Weggo! 


Daniel Marques

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